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Showing posts from December, 2010

One Body In Christ

  One Body In Christ Before we pass on to our last important subject we will review some of the ground we have covered and summarize the steps taken.   We have sought to make things simple, and to explain clearly some of the experiences which Christians commonly pass through.   But it is clear that the new discoveries that we make as we walk with the Lord are many, and we must be careful to avoid the temptation to over-simplify the work of God.   To do so may lead us into serious confusion. There are children of God who believe that all our salvation, in which they would include the matter of leading a holy life, lies in an appreciation of the value of the precious Blood.   They rightly emphasize the importance of keeping short accounts with God over known specific sins, and the continual efficacy of the Blood to deal with sins committed, but they think of the Blood as doing everything.   They believe in a holiness which in fact means only separation of the...

The Path of Progress: Walking In The Spirit

  The Path of Progress:   Walking In The Spirit Coming now to Romans 8 we may first summarize the argument of our second section of the letter from chapter 5:12 to chapter 8:39 in two phrases, each containing a contrast and each marking an aspect of Christian experience.   The are: Romans 5:12 to 6:23:   ‘In Adam’ and ‘in Christ’. Romans 7:1 to 8:39:     ‘In the flesh’ and ‘in the Spirit’. We need to understand the relationship of these four things.   The former two are ‘objective’ and set forth our position , firstly as we were by nature and secondly as we now are by faith in the redemptive work of Christ.   The latter two are ‘subjective’ and relate to our walk as a matter of practical experience.   Scripture makes it clear that the first two give us only a part of the picture and that the second two are required to complete it.   We think it enough to be “in Christ”, but we learn now that we must also walk “in the Spirit” (Rom. ...